Monday, May 30, 2011

Monthly Tele-Conference Benefits Managers to Provide Better Work-Life Balance Programs

Flexible working environment has become a popular workplace culture for many corporate organizations. Like others, your organization must also have implemented workplace flexibility into HR policies and you must be trying your best to help your employees maintain balance between their personal and professional life.

However, workplace flexibility can only be maintained successfully, if the managers at your company are trained enough to take effective managerial decision that can benefit both the employees as well as the organization. Is the flexibility working well for the employees as well as for your profit margins? If you want answer to all such questions, then it’s right time for you to get in touch with a work place consultancy wherein you will find experts to solve all your problems related to flex programs implemented within your organization.

One such well-known workplace consultancy is Life Meets Work. Located in Illinois, United States, this popular work place consultancy provides training sessions by means of tele-conference that takes place every month. The sessions will provide you effective ways to enhance leadership talent, evaluate performance of the employees, productivity of the business, supervising teams working from remote locations and lots more. You can take membership to enroll yourself for the monthly teleconference such that your managers can experience learning opportunity from office/home or from convenient locations.

The monthly teleconferencing will help you resolve flex issues on time and you can expect to provide better work and life balance programs to your employees. With better solutions, the employees will appreciate your policies and will help in enhancing the business productivity to a great level.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Negotiating Alternative Work Arrangements with Your Boss

Many times the situation arises in front of working women when they have to choose between their personal and professional life. If you are also facing similar kind of situation, you would definitely do not want to compromise with your career to balance your personal life. Are you on the look-out for an alternative to it? An easy way out from such kind of situation is that you can ask from your boss to set alternative work arrangements. In such kind of arrangements, you will have flexibility to work from remote locations like home etc. at your specified timings.

However, it is your ability to convince your boss that your flexible work arrangement will also be beneficial for the organization. If you fail to negotiate the appropriate arrangement with your boss, you will eventually realize that you are unable to manage your work from home and will have to return back to office.

In order to convince your manager/boss, you can create a proposal stating about the arrangements you desire and the benefits an organization can avail from such arrangements. Every organization has desire to retain their old and efficient employees but things can move to a wrong side if you fail to present yourself properly.

If you are not sure whether your proposal will be able to convince your managers, then you can take guidance from consultants working with Life Meets Work. It is a workplace consultancy in Illinois, United States that not only will help you in your proposal, but will also help in setting telecommuting policies. Get in touch with them to solve work and life problems in an efficient manner!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Take Annual Membership to Reduce Costs and Multiply Profits

Flexible working has become a basic priority for many people around the world. In order to maintain balance between personal and professional life, the working people look for those organizations which can offer them workplace flexibility in terms of working hours, location and timings.

Addressing the increasing demand, majority of companies have started adopting various options to offer flexibility in workplace to their employees. However, only a few companies succeed in maximizing their work flow and business profits out of flexible initiatives. The possible reasons behind the failure can be improper corporate cultures, incorrect managerial decisions or rigid rules made by the organizations. In order to get rid of such hurdles, some organizations consider hiring HR generalists to resolve and revamp the HR policies. But, the process of recruiting HR managers may require a lot of time and money irrespective of the kind of services they will provide to the company.

If you are looking forward to receive expert consultation to adopt workplace flexibility within your organization, then you can think about spending a few dollars on the annual membership programs conducted by Life Meets Work. Based in Illinois (United States), this company provides flex programs as well as interactive sessions by means of telephonic conferences.

Life Meets Work will help you with better understanding of flexible working hours and will also save money in expanding your HR departments.

So, what are you waiting for? Contact Life Meets Work and plan to minimize your operational costs while multiplying business profits out of flexible working environment.